PAYSTRO Quick Pay - Self Demo

Take a walk through a Quick Payout Case Scenario at a stationery shop, using

Launch the App from your phone (Android/Iphone)

App available for:
- Android
- Apple
- Web.

Launch PAYSTRO App
Launch Quick Pay Click here to continue

Select the Payment Type:

- Send Money
- Buy Goods(Till)
- Paybill
- Bank

Click here to continue
Select payout type
Ready filled form Click here to continue
Till No. Verification Click here to continue
Till No. Verified! Till No. Verified here: Click here to continue
Enter PIN to approve pay Click to submit PIN
Payment Approved & Submitted!
check received SMS notification

PAYSTRO Spend Management
System User then receives an instant
SMS notification, to confirm,
the successfully completed transaction.

SMS payment confirmation received!

Demo Completed!

Thank you for going through the demo.

Would you like to get started on PAYSTRO? Don't wait any longer, get started today.


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PAYSTRO App is available in Apple & Google Play stores, and is also available for Web


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